Generation 2.4 – An End at a Beginning

When we last left off, Finn Freshmen had his first date with Bella Bachelor at the Bachelor residence.  They couldn’t keep their eyes, or their hands, off each other.


From there, things with couple moved quickly.  Finn asked Bella to go steady shortly after and she accepted with a loving kiss.


Finn didn’t want to let Bella escape, he had heard rumors of one of those strange Goth family members that had been creepily pursuing Bella for years.

Finn decided to take Bella out on a date to the Art Museum and use all of his tricks to woo her…which I guess was why he just showed up shirtless.


“Sorry, I’m late.  I just got so caught up doing laundry.  Whoops would you look at that,  I guess I forgot my shirt.”

Would any loser fall for this?


These two must be made for each other.

Bella was worried that she was already an Adult but hasn’t married yet to start her own family.


“Not yet, Mom.  Yeah, I know it’s been three whole days but he hasn’t asked me yet.”

Finn knew what Bella was thinking, and was happy to rush things along as he needed to start his own family sooner rather than later.  If his luck was anything like his father’s, it would be a long time before he had his own son to carry on his name.


After they spent some time getting to know each other in the…uh Biblical sense, Finn decided now was the time.


And she said yes.  Our second Generation Heir has found his Mate.

Marley was elated at the news, but a bit worried because the family funds had begun to dip rather low.  So he got up to his old tricks, and pilfered the Alto’s backyard for some objects he could sell on the black market to pay for the wedding.


The Altos surely won’t miss one of their four backyard couches.

But while snooping through the Alto’s backyard, he found something even–almost better than stolen goods.  Say hello to the newest family member, The Unnamed Barbour’s Map Turtle.


Suddenly, Finn called up his sisters and friends and invited them all to the beach, one rainy night.  No one was sure exactly why, but nonetheless the family was reunited on the shores of the beach.


With his family and friends all gathered, Finn told them why he called them all together.


Bella had always wanted a destination wedding, but the Freshmen family could not afford to go abroad, so Finn thought the closest thing he could do to give his beloved what she wished was a wedding.  Here. Right now.  In the rain. At night.

…what an idiot.  Doesn’t he know this is awful for pictures?


Everyone began congratulating Finn and telling him how happy they were for his growing family.


Well, almost everyone.  This mopey looking fellow just stood at a distance staring at Finn with sad eyes and never approaching to say what exactly he wanted.  Finn learned to ignore him, but Sad Eyes stood in the distance on the verge of tears.


Finally, the bride arrived and the wedding was underway. But an unexpected guest decided to crash the party.


The Grim Reaper decided to make his presence known when one of Bella’s wedding guests decided to die right before the nuptials.  All of the guests stopped what they were doing to watch as the Mr. Reaper took his latest victim to the grave.

But finally, everyone’s attention was turned back to the bride and groom-to-be.


And just like that, Bella Bachelor officially became our Bella Freshmen, the next matriarch of the Freshmen family.

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  1. Pingback: Generation 2.5 – Life Goals | The Freshmen Legacy·

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